「生活の中に木のぬくもりを」加藤のこんな発言でwood light製作が始まりました。材料となるのは森の中に転がっている何の変哲も無い木。
"Bringing the warmth of wood into our lives," with this statement from Kato, the production of wood lights began. The materials used are ordinary pieces of wood found lying in the forest. However, once painted, fitted with bulbs, and powered on, they create a magical scene. This activity spread by word of mouth, resulting in numerous orders. Here are some photos of the ones we still have.

製作第一号のwood light。
製作第一号のwood light。奥多摩湖で拾ってきた切り株に電球を仕込んでみました。これは成功です!
The first wood light we made. We embedded a bulb into a tree stump picked up at Lake Okutama. It was a success!

table AMA早稲田」に納品したlight。
The light delivered to the Asian restaurant "Oriental Table AMA Waseda" in Takadanobaba. We used a small piece of driftwood so it wouldn’t stand out too much in the narrow interior, and drilled a hole with an extremely long drill so the cord would come out from the bottom, resulting in a highly refined product.

The light commissioned for a friend's wedding. Rather than focusing on the light itself, we paid attention to the silhouettes it creates, aiming to produce an ambiance that finds warmth in the autumn chill through the dappled sunlight.

An autumn forest spreads throughout the room.