「動きのある照明を」加藤 修一のこんな一言からwater lightの製作は始まりました。
"Lighting with movement," with this statement from Shuichi Kato, the production of water lights began. We had long discussions on whether to move something with a motor or to incorporate a complex mechanism with circuits. In the end, we decided to use the simplest means to express movement: water. By passing light through the liquid from below, a world of ripples spreads throughout the room. This marks the birth of a compact and easily portable space-enhancing device.

友人の結婚式のために製作したwater light。
The water light made for a friend's wedding. It is a bit large with a width of 600mm, but it illuminates the ceiling powerfully.

We commissioned a professional to cut the glass, and we assembled the tank and waterproofed the outer case ourselves. Through meticulous measurement precision management, we accumulated enough know-how to create tanks for tropical fish.

The compact, easy-to-carry version is also popular.
現在「FLAT KITCHEN」にサンプル展示してます。
Currently, a sample is on display at "FLAT KITCHEN."

It’s a curious shop where self-proclaimed artists gather.