
komicomを代表する作品の一つとも言える「carbon sword」.。
「komicomに日本人らしい作品を」というコンセプトにデザインを起こし、加藤 修一のアイデアによりいくつもの問題を克服しての製作となりました。
One could say it's one of komicom's representative works, the "carbon sword".
Designed with the concept of creating "Japanese-like works for komicom", it was produced overcoming several challenges based on Shuichi Kato's idea.
Similar to an actual Japanese sword, the central part serving as the blade is made of stainless steel, sandwiched by carbon on both sides.
※This is for viewing purposes only, so there is no blade on the stainless steel part.
※We received guidance from the Hino Police Station of the Metropolitan Police Department during production.

秘密の地下倉庫で、 ステンレスをカーボンクロスでサンドイッチして圧着後、グラインダーで切り出し。
In a secret underground warehouse, after sandwiching stainless steel with carbon cloth and pressing it, we cut it out with a grinder.
The material immediately after cutting.

It has started to resemble a blade through careful grinding.

With meticulous grinding and painting, the finest piece has been completed, much to the delight of the client.

Example of using it for cake cutting.